Part II – 4 Steps to take on the backside of a CRISIS
Finally there is a glimmer of light at the preverbal end of the tunnel. The hurried, maybe even frantic, pace you found yourself in during the crisis is starting to feel a bit less burdensome. Understandably, you have mixed emotions, from anxiety to excitement, based on what occurred in the crisis. You are not alone. Handled well, you’re ready to get going. Handled poorly, you wished for a do-over. At this point, you’re ready to move beyond the crisis and carry forward lessons learned. The investments in pivoting during the crisis and what it took to do so should not be forgotten. Recall how swiftly the team rallied, the creative ideas and innovation that occurred, the amount of communication that took place, and the amount of change that was implemented quickly. What if you were to continue this same deliberate way of conducting business post-crisis (ok, maybe not at the hurried pace as before)? Consider these steps moving forward. Keep them in focus to create the muscle memory to propel your organization on the backside of a crisis in a sustained manner, and to be able to handle the next crisis easier than previous. Without the urgency a crisis brings, it will be easy to default back to what and how things got done prior to the crisis.

Continue to innovate.

Continue to communicate often.

Keep nimble.