With the increase of employees working remotely, video conferencing can improve effective communications and the feeling of being connected to the corporate office. With over a decade of working in a virtual home office, as well as managing remote teams, I’ve identified a few key tips to maximize your web meeting. Matter fact, many of these tips apply to face-to-face meetings as well.

1) Brevity is king.

Be as succinct as you can. Lengthy story-telling kills momentum and audience engagement. Share only what you must.

2) Only 1 speaker at a time.

This is just a good habit, regardless of the setting and whether professional or personal.

3) Listen and engage.

 Fight the urge to multi-task. With live video, everyone sees what is going on. Nothing demonstrates lack of respect more than not paying attention.

4) Be punctual.

All meetings will start sharply at the designated time. Prepare in advance, with beverage in hand and all A/V checked out. Also, any work that is to be posted/sent to members needs to take place in advance.

5) Follow-through.

There will be homework and follow up from our time together. Honor one another by ensuring you do your part.

6) Stay on topic, don’t hijack conversation.

See items 1 through 3. Enough said.

7) Be genuine, factual, and accurate.

 Everyone involved wants to improve, to do better. by not judging. Don’t attempt to sugarcoat or attempt to be someone you’re not. Just be you and speak truth.

8) Present feedback constructively.

 Allow grace toward one another. You never know what someone is going through and may be vulnerable. Help build up and not tear down when giving feedback.

9) Embrace all feedback.

 Only you can elect to take heed to feedback. Allow others to speak into your situation and be careful not to be defensive. They will be abiding by item 8.

10) Watch your tone and language.

There is power in visual and tone. One never knows who might be offended by your words and tone.

11) Turn on your camera.

There is a tendency to not turn on a camera during video conference. Body language is by far largest contributor to effective communication.

Check out Part II – Virtual Meeting Technical Application Tips for a successful virtual meeting.

Additional, check out Highly Effective Remote Working Tips for improved engagement and productivity, and conditions to balance professional and personal life.

Elements of Personal Comunication


Spoken Words


Voice and Tone


Body Language