Part II - 4 Steps to take on the backside of a CRISIS Finally there is a glimmer of light at the preverbal end of the tunnel. The hurried, maybe even frantic, pace you found yourself in during the crisis is starting to feel a bit less burdensome. Understandably, you...

Part I – 5 Steps to take in a CRISIS
Part I - 5 Steps to take in a CRISIS While we wished major catastrophes and crisis would not occur, they have and will continue, despite all our hopes and prayers. When they do occur, we quickly realize how fallible we are. For some organizations, they can handle...
Top 5 Ingredients for a Highly Efficient Remote Worker
Top 5 Ingredients for a Highly Efficient REMOTE WORKER The dynamics of working in an office can be taken for granted; hallway conversations, coffee breaks, interruptions from colleagues and the boss, attending meetings, birthday breaks, lunch with colleagues, after...
Top 10 Tips for Effective Video Conferencing, Part II – PROPER TECHNOLOGY
Top 10 Tips for Effective Video Conferencing, Part II – PROPER TECHNOLOGY (sequel to Part I, Effective Rules of Engagement) Incorporate these top technology tips to ensure all participants have the best experience in a web meeting. With effective adoption, and the...
Top 10 Tips for Effective Video Conferencing, Part I – RULES OF ENGAGEMENT
With the increase of employees working remotely, video conferencing can improve effective communications and the feeling of being connected to the corporate office. With over a decade of working in a virtual home office, as well as managing remote teams, I’ve...
The Story of How ConsultantDeck Began
In 2008 I experienced for the first time being terminated from an executive position. Four months later, after dozens of job applications and numerous networking meetings, I could no longer handle not being engaged with businesspeople full time and decided to pursue...
Heat Seeking Target
I just concluded a call with a Marketing Professor at a major university. What he shared with me is what I already knew – be laser focused on 1 target audience launching (or deploying a new product/service for that matter). Trying to approach...
Never Give Up
It's so true that bumps and even failure can occur on the road to achieving your goal. As Bear Grylls states, NGU...never give up. I heard him and several other great leaders speak at the Global Leadership Summit #GLS2019 last week. Consider attending next year....
Great perspective on starting a business.
I was reviewing consulting articles and ran across Mark Cuban's 12 rules for startups. While there are many "Top x Rules for Startups", this is worth the quick read. I took notice for Consultant Deck.
7 Social Media Trends Organizations For Employee Engagement
Here are seven social media trends to watch in the coming year as organizations leverage all forms of social collaboration to re-imagine how they source, develop and engage employees. The use personal equipment devices (PED's) changes expectations of communication...